Thursday, November 17, 2005

Birthday update

So in case you are all wondering I did have a good birthday even though I didn't get to see all (any!) of you.

I've been in Portland all week...and yesterday was definitely a LONG day of work because we're in some pretty intensive meetings. I did take a few breaks to check my email and voicemail and thanks to ALL of your for your well wishes!

I woke up to find one of the people I'm traveling with had left a birthday card for me at my door of my hotel room. Very little, but really sweet since I'd only gotten 2 cards and 1 present before I left town on Sunday (can't wait to get home! I know its bad to say..but I LOVE getting presents an I know there are some sitting in my apartment office waiting for me!).

After our meetings we (we being all the people in my meeting and I) headed down to the Red Star Tavern in Porttland that makes the BEST Lemon Drops ever. Now...several of you know...I like my lemon drop. But most places...they're very heavy on the vodka and not so much on the sweet lemon. The Red Star Tavern has figured out how to make them JUST as strong..but they really TRULY taste like a lemon drop candy! So....we drank from like 6pm until 9pm (yes I was hammered...Happy Birthday to me!) and then headed to Macaroni Grill where....yes...we drank a bit more with our dinner!

Anyway, it was lots of fun and I didn't have a hangover this morning (although I really don't know how that could be!).

1 comment:

el walto said...

Mmmmmm.... lemon drops :P

Sorry I didn't realize your birthday has already passed. Happy birthday!! See ya tomorrow!