Saturday, November 26, 2005

Ah...only Saturday!

YEAH! I've done so much this weekend and its only Saturday afternoon! So exciting!

Thanksgiving was GREAT at Ann's house! Perfect day with perfect friends and GREAT food. Yesterday I was one of those crazy people up at Target at 6am because they had a vacuum for $37 - and let me tell you...after 3 years of dog hair my last vacuum couldn't take it anymore. And the new one is GREAT! 12 amps of power and only weighs about 10lbs! I've been vacuuming up a storm. Also picked up a $17 printer - not the highest qualify..but since my work one still doesn't work its something! Got a few more Christmas presents purchased and was out of target by 6:20am! After going back to sleep I did some more cleaning/organizating/decorating since Chalis reminded me on Thursday that the girls holiday party is at my house next weekend! Then Mun and I went and did a little bit more shopping and went to see Walk the Line (very good - but I didn't like the casting of all the other singers outside Cash and Carter). Then last night MORE work around the house.

Today I've alternated working around the apartment and catching up on Tivo. I still haven't located my 2003 hallmark ornaments. And I realized I'm also missing some Little Mermaid ornaments I bought the same year. The good news is...while tearing apart every box in my apartment I did find my DRILL that's been missing since I moved in! Very exciting! Now if only I had something to drill! And had my Hallmark ornaments from 2003! Alas..the search for those continues - it only took me a year and a half to find the maybe after I get moved I'll find them when unpacking.

Anyway, gonna get some more done around the house and then head out to meet everybody at Spoontonic!

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