Saturday, October 07, 2006


Okay...probably the first exciting thing has happened since I moved to Harrisburg...I've been eagerly awayting this day...and it finally arrived.

My new Target opened!!!!!

Before I had to drive like 10 miles through some windy roads (or on the freeway in ridiculous traffic for this tiny burg). But now, just 1.5 miles away, is a brand new, jumbo target! And as if that wasn't great has a Starbucks in it...thats right folks...I now live by TWO starbucks! Hard to imagine those days of having them on every corner....but I have two!

And...they sent me a coupon in the I got $5 off today since I'm a "new neighbor". I picked up lots of goodies..including some groceries...since they had a great selection of that stuff....and more importantly...I started my Christmas shopping and picked up a game "Apples to Apples" for the Nelson familly...since we play all the games at their house on holiday's I thought that would be a good gift for them.


Akasha said...

That's a great game! We had so much fun playing it the other night.. it's good for big groups also..

Beverly said...

Starbucks AND Target together!?!?! It's like a dream come true!

el walto said...

Fun game + 5$ off! Fantastic! I'm thoroughly enjoying the new Target by my place, too :)

Merima said...

That game is lots of fun! Target is my favorite shop-stop. =)

Merima said...

one more note: your blog comment Word Verification spells out the funniest things.